
Facing the transformation of art and design concepts in the new technological era, the digital media art program explores the integrated and changing relationship between human and technology in terms of cognitive experience and communication methods through extensive cross-border cooperation in the fields of art, technology, humanities and social sciences, forming problem-oriented and project-driven teaching. While focusing on front-end development, this program equips innovative artists with diverse knowledge backgrounds, promotes cross-disciplinary integrations of functional arts and contributes to the experimental exploration of art in the new era.

Cultivation Objectives

The digital media art program aims to equip students with global perspective, cross-disciplinary communication skills and the awareness of understanding the trends, and enable students to fully grasp the knowledge of institutional management and operation, so that they can provide creativity and bring discursive perceptions about new technologies to emerging industries among artists, engineers, agencies and media organizations.

This full-time program is dedicated to developing students’ understanding of the pioneering, conceptual, abstract and experimental characteristics of art as a research-based discipline; understanding the developments in the field of technology, as well as the linguistic characteristics, content production methods and basic operational processes of digital art; and learning the interdisciplinary creative approach expected of creators in an era of technological revolution. Through the study, students can acquire systematic theoretical knowledge and social reading skills based on art, design, technology and philosophy; they will be able to use a comprehensive interdisciplinary approach to create artworks that reflect the characteristics of the digital age in terms of artistic language, interactive experience, media materials and content production methods.

Study Content

Students will learn basic design skills, acquire basic programming skills, build an overall knowledge of the discipline based on a study of art and design history, and then further learn artistic narratives, film and television production and communication to implement creative outcomes through human-computer interaction.

Mode of Delivery

Full-time: in-term lectures.

Duration of studies 

Full-time: three years

PBL and Internship

During their studies, students will join a laboratory set up by enterprise tutors and academic advisors, and have the opportunity to work in companies or institutions such as well-known companies, design agencies and art galleries.


Students with excellent academic performance will receive scholarships sponsored by the nation, the university and enterprises.

Overseas Exchanges

1 + 1 and 2 + 0 joint international programs as well as short-term international exchange programs are about to offer to the students.