Chen Hancai

Associate Professor

Areas of Research: Visual communication design, corporate identity design, book design, design education, Macau Macanese culture
Associate Professor of School of Future Design and Future Design Center, Beijing Normal University
He graduated from the School of Fine Arts of Western Michigan University with a bachelor's degree and a master's degree from Yale University School of Art in the United States. He later received a doctorate from the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing.

He has been engaged in graphic design work in New York, Boston, New Haven and Hong Kong, serving design companies such as Pentagram NY, Landor Associates Design Consultants, Steiner&Co Hong Kong, etc. Serving many different multinational companies and institutions such as United Technologies, Hong Kong Jockey Club, Hong Kong MTR, Singapore Post, Tennessee Children's Museum in Chattanooga, American University Mutual Fund, State of Connecticut Department of Transportation, Deloitte, Wing Tai Asia, St. Francis Hospital, Seng Heng Bank (now ICBC Macao), CEM, etc. Later, he served as an associate professor of design program at the Faculty of Art and Design of Macao Polytechnic University, where he has good experience in design practice and teaching.

Recent research: Focusing on design education and the creative records of Macanese culture in Macao, he has co-authored "Prospects of the Discipline of Higher Design Education in Macao" and is currently preparing to publish “António Conceição Júnior - Macao Macanese Designer". He has published many seminar papers on creativity culture and the study of Macanese culture.

Social Service: Provided voluntary design services to the education sector in Macao for more than ten years. Book series of Macao educator Liu Xianbing, such as the "Liu Xianbing Series", "Rethinking Series", "Macao Education History", "Xian Weikeng Talks about Words Series”. Also "Anti-Japanese War Research Series" and "Sanba Library" of the Sino-Western Cultural Studies and Macao Polytechnic University, etc.