2021 Admission for Beijing Normal University Future Design Center MFA Program (full-time and part-time)

About the MFA Program

This MFA Program is offered by Beijing Normal University School of Arts & Communication, Future Design Center and School of Future Design. Grounded at the BNU’s leading disciplines including Psychology, Education and Literature, we invite internationally renowned scholars and professors to form the academic committee as well as famous enterprises to join in the teaching activities with PBL model, hoping to build a leading design school in the South China and contribute to the design industry.

Number of Enrollment

This MFA Program (Fine Arts) enrolls 30 part-time students. The location is in Zhuhai.

Examination and Admission

Candidates shall pass the examination and university review upon admission. Only pre-assigned students can be accepted.

The examination is the national unified postgraduation examination, and candidates who pass the required score set by the university shall enter the university review.

The university review includes interview and professional course examinations to further examine students’ professional foundation, comprehensive analysis and problem-solving abilities.

The admission list is determined based on the scores of examination and university review as well as application material, ideological and political performance and other factors.

Duration of studies and Degree Award

The duration of part-time study is 3 years, with intensive modular lectures arranged in every month.

Upon graduation, students who meet the graduation requirements within the duration of study can be awarded with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree (professional degree) and a certificate of graduation.

Tuition and Scholarship

The tuition fee for MFA Program (part-time) is RMB 96,000 yuan, which shall be paid equally in three years.

The Future Design Center offers scholarships covering 50% of total students for overseas exchange.


Assistance for accommodation booking is provided upon application during the courses.

Application Procedure

In September, the Admission Plan is released by the university.

In October, students who meet the entry requirements in the Admission Brochure can submit online application on and complete online/in-site confirmation.

In December, students take the national unified postgraduate examination.

In the next March, students attend the university review.

Contact Information

Tel: 0756-3683976


Address: Yuan Bai Building Zone A, School of Future Design, Beijing Normal University at Zhuhai, Xiangzhou District, Zhuhai City, Guangdong, 519087

Beijing Normal University Graduate Admissions website: