Li Qi

Li Qi

Member of the Academic Committee (Leading Professional in Art and Technology)
Distinguished Professor, Beijing Normal University

Professor and PhD Supervisor, Academy of Earth and Space Sciences, Peking University
Director, Smart City Research Center, Peking University
Deputy Director, Academic Committee, Digital China Research Institute, Peking University
Deputy Director, Academic Committee of Beijing Spatial Information Integration and 3S Engineering Application Key Lab

Li Qi has initially proposed the concepts of "Digital City and Digital Beijing" and "Healthy China and Future City", and led the exploration and development of Digital Beijing, Smart City and Digital China through a series of land-based demonstration projects and other major national projects such as 863 and 973, and won 12 national and provincial awards.

Academic Services:
Chief scientist, Healthy China Science and Technology Innovation and Financial Services Platform;
Principal, Smart City and Space-time Big Data Team of Beijing High - tech Future Network Center;
Expert, Group of Experts on Beijing 13th Five - Year Information Development Plan;
PhD Tutor, National Ministry of Education Information Network Engineering Research Center;
Deputy Director, Resource and Environment Special Committee, China Information Association;
Expert, Group of Experts of China e-Business Innovation Promotion Alliance;
Expert, Group of Experts of the Integration of Information Technology and Industrialization Promotion Division of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology;
Director, Smart City Research Center, Peking University.