Gong Jiawei

Gong Jiawei

Areas of Specialization:
Digital Imaging and Computer Graphics, Digital Photography, Video and Sound, Virtual Reality Film and Installation, Web-based Interactive Art and Animation, Painting, Drawing and Installation, Graphic Design and Illustration.
Professor of School of Future Design and Future Design Center, Beijing Normal University
Former Associate Professor (Tenured) and PhD supervisor in Texas Tech University
Initiated the Transmedia Art Program of Texas Tech University
Distinguished Professor in Zhejiang University of Technology and Zhejiang University of Science & Technology, China
Chair of Advisory Board, Chinese-American Art Faculty Association
Member of the International Virtual Reality Professionals Association and the International Digital Media and Arts Association
Graduated from China Academy of Art (CAA) and Southern Illinois University Carbondale (SIUC)

Awards and Honors:
Won multiple awards and honors in international art competitions, including the Gold Award, Perception & Vision: Chinese-American Art Faculty Exhibition & Symposium, China and the Best Cinematography Award and International EuroFilm Festival 2015, Marbella, Spain.

Works exhibited in over 100 solo and two-person exhibitions in North America, Asia and Europe.

Participated in several cross-disciplinary research projects and won President’s Excellence in Engaged Scholarship Award of Texas Tech University (TTU), Texas Holocaust and Genocide Commission Grant, Scholarship Catalyst Program Award of TTU and Best Cinematography Award of International EuroFilm Festival, etc.