vision & mission

Design for better future. To cultivate innovative and versatile talents and promote the development of design education.To strengthen the Industry-Teaching-Research integration and lead future life reform.

Facing the future production and lifestyle changes brought by the technological revolution, the School of Future Design endeavors to serve the design demands of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the urgent strategic development of design education. By leading the trend of innovation with diversified cross-industry cooperation, we are dedicated to meeting the challenges of the age and achieving sustainable development.

By provide pioneering practices for the exploratory development of the design industry through academic research, we are also committed to building a world-class new education system oriented towards sustainable innovation and based on cross-industry research and practice, cultivating versatile innovative talents with a sense of social responsibility, scientific and humanistic concepts, multi-cultural knowledge, professional literacy, collaborative spirit as well as cutting-edge and international vision, and ultimately triggering cultural and social changes.
