“Domus”, an architecture and design magazine founded in 1928, has consistently reported global architecture, design, and art developments objectively, timely, and comprehensively from a keen perspective, characterized by its flexible and diverse forms, profound ideas, and dynamic content. In nearly 100 years of development, it has had an extensive and far-reaching influence on international architecture, design, and art circles. It has become one of the most dynamic and influential professional magazines in the world.

The international Chinese edition of the “Domus” magazine takes the original Italian content of “Domus” as the main body, from the layout to various featured columns (news information, Sottsass Picture Window, architecture, design, art theme articles, character interviews, product information, material world), are entirely in accordance with the original format; on this basis, additional local content is added to show the Chinese readers and the world the latest developments in the field of architecture, design, and art in China-including introductions to architecture, design, and artworks, Thematic case, dialogue, discussion, research, as well as some domestic news and book reviews. The international Chinese version of “Domus” has 11 issues throughout the year, which are also distributed in Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan.

The Global Designer Database was jointly established by the School of Future Design and China-Domus, aiming to focus on the academic ecology and impact future life.

▲ Gao Peng signing the strategic agreement with Yu Bing, China-Domus publisher and editor-in-chief; Sun Hongpei, Vice Chairman of BNU University Council, and Li Qianrun, China-Domus co-publisher witnessing the signing ceremony; Sun Hongpei awarding the certificate of appointment to PBL enterprise tutor Li Qianrun

▲ PBL enterprise tutor Li Qianrun sharing insights on future design and university-enterprise collaboration